Went to client site for work today which is INTI University College Nilai campus as they were going to use the account activation for INTI Federated Services developed by my company. It is a single sign on solution where the users can aceess to various online services provided by the colleage with a single user ID and password.
This was the first time the system we worked on for more than a month being implemented into the real working environment on INTI student registration day! This explained why we need to show face there, just in case there were anything that needs us to settle about the system. Things not going smoothly in the morning, but it became better and smoother towards the afternoon. If I look at it in positive angle, a new try and new experience for me.
A nostalgic feeling strike me when I stepped into the multi purpose hall where the students registration was held. The arrangement and the size of the hall look very familiar to me. It reminded me about my orientation week and registration day when I first entered my university about 10 years ago.
At that time I just like those students, went in for registration with blurred-look face, scared yet full of excitement. That was the time started the next chapter in my life where I tasted what orientation week was all about and also experienced the life study in university which I found is one the most memorable and unforgettable point in life!
Anyway, tomorrow will still go to the same place, doing the same job, so hopefully everything will be going fine and smooth.
ok lah, got moi moi to look, that is the only advantage of this experience.