Attended one of my secondary school old time buddy's, Victor wedding lunch at Golden Happiness Restaurant yesterday, which was also the 3rd day of Chinese New Year.

[Outside view of Golden Happiness Restaurant]
Golden Happiness Restaurant is described by Sibu people as the best restaurant in town for various occasion especially for wedding banquet. That's why, in order to held wedding lunch or dinner at this restaurant, you need to book the place at least half a year to one year in advance especially during peak season.

[Table presentation - better than some hotels]

[A view inside the restaurant]
Victor was my classmate from Transition class to Form 5. We were having great time study in the same class as he always become the center of laughter for his "siao siao" and playful characteristic! He's a very smart person but his "craziness" sometimes caught us in shock! He was once glamor among the classmates for his
Batman-style-upside-down-hanging-on-the-door and also
Superman-running-on-corridor-edge stunts! Nowadays whenever we talk about Victor, these are the thing we never forget to mention about and became a good laughter among our gang!
I think this is what made Victor so special among our friends. A happy-go-lucky guy and not easy to get angry. You see, he even showed his
clown-look on stage when everyone was preparing for "Yam Seng" session during his wedding lunch! He noticed that I was taking photo on him, that's why he showed me this face (as in photo below). I said that look more
CLOWN! HAHA! The most not serious bridegroom I ever met!

[Gatcha MONKEY!!]
Yesterday Victor was wearing a neck tie with a lot of small froggies printed on it. I felt curious, thus I asked him, "Why froggies, Victor?". This is how he answered me, "Because I am prince of frog (青蛙王子) ma... ". HAHA! Very logic and good answer!! You win this time, Victor!

[Froggies neck tie]
Then, Victor was caught reading Keadilan Press (Gong Zheng Bao) at his wedding lunch!
Hii Tiong Huat, Sibu maddest man somehow sneaked into the banquet and busy selling Keadilan Press from table to table. I was too busy with eating, that's why forgot to take a shot on him! As a bridegroom, Victor somehow got a copy of the press then started to read it instantly on his VIP table! Didn't I tell you he is the most not serious bridegroom I ever met?!

[Gatcha Victor!]

[The bridegroom continue reading his Gong Zheng Bao]
Victor's mother, Mdm. Yew was our Biology teacher in Form 4 & 5. She was a great teacher who was very serious and dedicated in her teaching,
most-student-would-scare type. Yet outside the classroom, she is not scary at all! She is a very friendly person who even join us for laughter when we visited his son on Chinese New Year! So as his dad who like to join us laughing. Victor's elder brother, Vincent and younger sister, Caroline are equally friendly person as well! That made them a happy and fun family!
The wedding lunch was great in term of the foods as well as the time we have. This year we didn't do visiting, so this lunch gave us the chance for a small gathering among secondary school friends!

[The dishes - Left-bottom shows the most delicious shark fin soup among restaurants on town]

[Other dishes and desserts]
As his buddy, I truely happy for Victor and his family. Finally his family's dream came true and his dad need not nag us to introduce a girl to his son anymore! ;p I sincerely wish Victor and Grace have a
Happily-ever-after marriage. We hope next year when they come back from New Zealand for Chinese New Year, they will bring back a small Victor or small Grace or both!