Friday, February 13, 2009

I Got A Valentine's Gift!

Don't be jealous! This morning I received an early valentine day's gift! It is a small box of well-wrapped peanut chocolate with red wrapper and a tiny yellow ribbon stick on the top-left side of the box. It is very presentable and suitable for occasion like Valentine.

However, I have mixed feeling when receiving this gift - happy and sad. Why?

In my memory, this is the 1st Valentine's gift I ever receive. How poor right? Yeah, but still need to face the fact. That's why, better be appreciate! So, I feel great receiving the gift!

Oh No! The gift is not given by a girl! No worry, it's not given by a guy neither! It is actually a gift from company's recreational club to all the club members in conjunction with Valentine celebration.

Anyway, I am thankful to the club's effort for giving those single and available guys including me a hope and also a feel of celebration!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


  1. 干嘛你的标题和我的标题都那么怂恿啊?!太有默契了。

  2. wen, your company is so sweet... must appreciate it as not many company so 有人情味!

  3. 不好意思,忘了祝情人节快乐。

  4. How nice of your company! I remember my first and I think most memorable ever Valentine's day gift was a small pack of chocolate cookies, wrapped nicely given by 2 of my students in C++ lab class in UNIMAS. It was just a token of appreciation from them but nevertheless it was very touching... :)


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