Monday, July 27, 2009

Some Stories of Wang and Joyce Wedding

I know I suppose to post this on-the-date, but over the weekend I was struck by fever and diarrhea. I totally lost my appetite, I didn't eat and I lost my energy. I felt tired and sleepy all the time. I took 2 Paracetamol in the morning hoped that I would feel better and could make it to Joyce and Wang's wedding ceremony.

I did feel a little better when the medicine generate chemical effects inside my stomach. I managed to wake up, and after a simple change not even properly comb my hair, I went to Joyce-Wang's wedding ceremony held at Sacred Heart Cathedral, a catholic church near Jalan Lanang, Sibu.

This was my first time stepped into a Catholic church and also attending Catholic's wedding ceremony. As a whole, I would say there were slight differences between a Catholic and Methodist wedding ceremony where Catholic ceremony were more serious and has more procedure to follow.

The ceremony ended after about 1 hour and 10 minutes where the new couple walked out the church while receiving blessing from those attending the ceremony.

It was a good experience for me, but because of my body condition at that moment, I was unable to follow some of the procedures like standing up for singing and praying etc. I hope I will be forgiven for this.

At evening time, I was invited to the wedding dinner held at Regalia Ballroom, Kingwood Hotel. Almost unable to attend it because of my body condition. Diarrhea and fever made me weak. Luckily another 2 Paracetamol gave me a little strength to wake up and thanks to Sparkish for fetching me to the dinner place.

Sparkish and me were sitting at the same table with some 2nd and 4th floors important gentlemen. I was a bit nervous at the beginning. However, their friendliness slowly made me feel comfortable. There was one even suggested we should visit to 2nd floor more often so that we could knew each other more. Well, although it sounds not really possible to simply visit 2nd floor without official purposes, but that was a very positive suggestion which I appreciate.

The dinner was great! Beside nice foods, there were also few semi-professional singing and dancing to entertain those attending the dinner.

I most impressed with this small kid. In his young age, he could dance equally good as the adult dancers and won a lot of applause from the crowd!

The "open-Champagne" ceremony was a fun one with the bridegroom tried his very best to open one of the Champagne cork yet was unable to make it no matter how hard he tried. He could easily open another one, so I guess it was not the bridegroom's problem, it was the Champagne's fault, agree with me?

The dinner ended at about 9.50pm. I enjoyed the dinner very much despite my poor body condition which restricted me to eat and move around. Otherwise, I would enjoy the foods more and take more photos on the night.

Anyway, I felt honored to be invited to the dinner. Joyce was my former schoolmate where I was much senior than her. She was also my superior in company's social club and close cousin to my buddy. She is a very friendly and helpful girl. Wang or Colin was my ex-colleague but we only became colleague for less than 2 months where he left the company when I joined. I get to know more about him only after I knew Joyce. Yet, I believe he is a nice guy. If not, Joyce won't choose him as her life-time partner.

Deep from my heart, I wish Wang and Joyce have a blessed marriage and may their love is eternity!

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